SIL from Hell.

You know it never ceases to amaze me how things always get blown up with sister in laws..
3 years now it has been constant drama. Nothing we do is right, we are always upsetting her, we are always hurting her, we are always leaving her out.
We recently came to a agreement that satisfied her, but alas she didn’t stick to her end of the agreement.
So of course instead of just leaving things alone she has to get the WHOLE family involved.. Tells her husband her brother is bullying her, tells the family we are trying to control her.
I have never in my life met someone who can’t just get along… Last year for our daughter’s birthday party she tried to get their family to “boycott” a 2 year olds birthday. CRAZY!
This year while we were all getting along she just couldn’t make it. She has seen her neice maybe 10 times in her 3 years of life.

Last drama she was trying to cause her brother to divorce me…
I can’t deal with anymore, I’m so tired of it I don’t even care to argue. My husband (her brother) on the other hand is on his last straw and done.  I don’t think they realize how far they are pushing my usual mild mannered husband…

She always plays the pathetic game and plays the poor woah is me game…. It has gotten old.

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