Not really friends anyways….

Its crazy how you can be friends with someone for almost 10 years and they forget about you…
Its crazy how you could get mad at someone over something so silly… something you could have just asked about and I would have told you what was going on…
Letting go of friendship is hard but I guess in the end if they let you go over something so silly they really weremt your friend anyway…
I know if the situation had been reversed I would have asked, questioned it.
I guess that’s my problem… I hold on to people, even after they stop caring. I never forget the friendships or the memories and always know deep down what a person could/used to be…. It’s crazy how I could mean so little to someone.
I guess that’s just me.. Always getting tossed to the side but having to be strong for everyone else….
Friendship shouldn’t be that way… Friendship isn’t that way…
When you thought you were friends with someone for so long and they just don’t care anymore, it’s like getting stabbed in the back.
When you go through hard times its the people that are left there for you that are really your friends…
I’m so thankful to have those friends, its only 2 but they are the best I could ever have…..

Today I am letting go…. I will always know I tried my best but I can’t be the one who keeps saving a friendship.. I can’t keep doing this.. Its crazy….
Either be here for me or don’t.
I can’t do this anymore.
I’m done.

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