Marriage Gone Wrong

Were to start my story is always the hard part…. My husband and I started dating young… I was 19 and he was 21, we had quite the whirlwind romance. We were crazy about each other and instant best friends. Our relationship was always filled with joking and laughter… After being together a
year and two months we got married! We also were expecting our first child, and NO to all the haters and gossipers we did NOT get married because we were pregnant, we simply sped up the wedding day.
Anyways, we were blessed in our relationship, marriage, and pregnancy in everyway..
At 20 and 22 we bought our first home, we were told by the lawyer we were the youngest couple he had ever seen close on their own home!
Life was good…
Until a month after we had our daughter…. Then problems with the inlaws abounded and caused a huge rift between my husband and I…. Eventually pushing us to the absolute limit and we seperated.

I have so much of a story I would love to share if anyone would be interested to read it if I take the time to write it I would love to know….
I feel that what I went through was for a reason and if what I went through in my marriage can touch just one person then it was all worth it.
“What God has brought together let no man seperate”

One thought on “Marriage Gone Wrong

  1. Write for your own satisfaction. Writing your thoughts down helps you think through the issues and better understand what happened. … But I have to say that having your thoughts ” out there” (i.e. on the internet) does give some kind of a mental release ( and tends to keep you more honest).


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